Mythos & Marginalia

life notes; flaws and all

j.g. lewis

original content and images ©j.g. lewis

a daily breath...

A thought du jour, my daily breath includes collected and conceived observations, questions of life, fortune cookie philosophies, reminders, messages of peace and simplicity, unsolicited advice, inspirations, quotes and words that got me thinking. They may get you thinking too . . .

pocket poem 2024

                 Current Thoughts

           Open your mouth, let words
   bypass lips. Converse consciously
   to brethren or bystanders.
       Reach out to
   close friends gone amiss.
       Be not afraid, not now, of
   articulating current thoughts and
   accomplishments of which
   you are proud, and even your sins
   (for we have all owned a few)
        might seem far less tragic
         from an altered point of view.
               Give fresh voice
   to insecurities and anxieties hidden
   within your self, speak highly of
      those dusty dreams
            languishing on a shelf.
   Past sullen moments cast a
   lengthy shadow, short-term
   expectations tend to dull down
   long-term possibilities.
      Talk freely around all you want,
   or hope, or desire to be.
      Each intention will resonate
      with those who wholly believe.
   Understanding takes effort.

© 2024 j.g. lewis

April 18th is Poem in Your Pocket Day
a day to celebrate poetry by selecting a poem,
carrying it in your pocket, and sharing with the
friends and strangers who cross your path.
Share a poem wherever the day takes you, as you
would share a smile, a gesture, or your kindness.
Sharing is caring.

April is Poetry Month
take a poem to lunch

cloud songs

        Our paths shift, circumstance and
              attitude shaping our trajectory.
   The company we keep alters both
       our outlook and destination.
           We are where we are
        mainly because of who we are 
                          and whom we are with.


04/16/2024                                                                              j.g.l.

Mondays are just young Fridays

A wish for words more delicate and 
refined will only lead to
an unnecessary edit, constrained curiosity,
and a smudge of indifference.
Emotions scoured from the page,
its patina reflective now of a chaotic mind, 
you are no longer (or never have been) 
satisfied with what is there.
Speaking freely, nowhere near the truth, 
a humane reaction may not be soothed.
Not always. No matter what.
No longer plain and simple. Perhaps
it never was?
You question the questions.
The flaws in your self can only add up
to a greater expression of your being.

04/15/2024                                                                                       j.g.l.


April is Poetry Month
flaws and all


I'm like a pencil;
sometimes sharp,
most days
other times
dull or
Still I write.

j.g. lewis
is a writer/photographer in Toronto.

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A Lot Of Thinking

Posted on November 2, 2016 by j.g.lewis // 1 Comment


I’ve been called stubborn, and principled (and words even nastier). I tend to take a stand, but still respect those who may not see the world, or an issue, as I do. I can be convinced otherwise, or persuaded, but when it comes right down to it I end up doing what I believe is right, or proper, or necessary.

I do this thing called whatever the fuck I want.

Certainly it has taken time, and a great deal of trial and error, but I think I’m at the point in my life where I’ve become comfortable with what I say and do (within reason). Some may call it selfish, but I say it’s honest because I am aware of the consequences of my actions.

If I get involved with a charity or take on a cause, if I am committed to a project, principle, or person, it’s because that’s what I want. The reasons may vary, but not my intent. I’m all in or not at all. Why get involved if you are not interested?

It comes with knowing, and learning, what you are capable of, what you can withstand, and what will allow you to live a life with integrity, and distinction, and purpose. You have to trust your gut, but it also takes thought. I do a lot of thinking.

When making a decision, I am considerate and careful when it comes to the feelings of others, and I do step back or step away if a situation becomes too complicated, one-sided, or boring.

Driven by my intentions, I prefer calm and collected instinct instead of walking through an emotional battlefield; I’ve been there before and still have the scars to prove it. Guided by true emotion, I try not to shy away from tough decisions where the results could be frightening. Fear and panic never were the most helpful emotions, so every attempt is made to step past those stumbling blocks, if it is something that I really want.

And it’s not that I am ignorant, or unmoved, by the advice of others. Many times somebody’s theory or knowledge will impact my decision. I can be influenced and often take another point of view under advisement. Consideration is the fulcrum providing balance to my actions but, ultimately, it is not somebody else’s decision that I am following, but my own.

Wrong advice: I’ve gone along with ideas that weren’t entirely sound, and I suppose I’ve followed as much as I’ve led. I’ve dealt, or am dealing, with those things. Poor choices; of course we make them. Bad decisions just happen, though they weren’t meant to be at the start.

The wrong road is not often identified, and you usually fail to see the caution signs when you are determinedly looking ahead.

Maybe that is why I have resolved to follow my own path, for that way there is no one to blame for what happens, or does not happen. If it is a mistake, it is my mistake. Perhaps it seems careless, but I believe it’s being responsibly irresponsible. I can live with that (I have to) and at the core it was something I wanted to do at the time. I own my mistakes. You don’t learn if you don’t make mistakes and I always make new ones. I can be convinced, sometimes too easily, of trying something or changing up my ways, but in doing so I am doing what I want to do at that time or in that head space. It seems to work.

You have to own up to what and who you are and become comfortable with where you are and why you are doing it. It’s doing what you want not because you have to, but because you need to.

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One reply on “A Lot Of Thinking”

It’s great to be our age (I’m guessing we’re close in years) and to have followed just enough wrong paths to end up on this I guess, freer one…heck, to even MAKE it to this one! We earned the fakking right to do what we want…I like it here and we are so very fortunate…a privilege denied to many. ☮️

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