Mythos & Marginalia

life notes; flaws and all

j.g. lewis

original content and images ©j.g. lewis

a daily breath...

A thought du jour, my daily breath includes collected and conceived observations, questions of life, fortune cookie philosophies, reminders, messages of peace and simplicity, unsolicited advice, inspirations, quotes and words that got me thinking. They may get you thinking too . . .

I'm like a pencil;
sometimes sharp,
most days
other times
dull or
Still I write.

j.g. lewis
is a writer/photographer in Toronto.

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logical and chronological


Mondays are just young Fridays
Posted on July 9, 2018 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment

I can only know, or truly feel, all
of that which takes place within
this body.
My eyes look outward, and I
cannot help but be affected by
all that I see, yet the wealth of
my experience remains within.
I seek peace.
We all look for better days, in
meaningful ways.
Thank you to those who reach out;
I feel gratitude for daily examples
of unparalleled humanity.
I am inspired, deep within my self,
and I hope I am able, in whatever
form, to contribute further to this
magnificent life.

07/09/2018                                                 j.g.l.

Ramble On
Posted on July 8, 2018 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment

Did you get outside?
Did you wander aimlessly,
or with a purpose?
Did you find a little time
to your self between now
and when, and will you
find the time to do it again.
There need not be a reason
to your ramble or revery,
time doing what you want
is what you really need.

07/08/2018                                       j.g.l.

Posted on July 7, 2018 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment

Isn’t each morning a miracle?

Can’t you taste the possibilities?