Month: May 2023
Holiday Monday: feels like a Sunday,
but that day has passed, so it’s better.
An extra day, any way, for just doing
whatever you need to do. Or nothing.
Some days you need to do what you feel
like doing. It is as simple as that.
Maybe today you can catch up on those
things you never seem to get around to?
Or, maybe today you can put off planning
and allow the day to unfold as it should.
Maybe today is that kind of day?
Maybe today can be better?
05/22/2023 j.g.l.
Posted on May 21, 2023 by j.g.lewisLeave a commentIt is all-too-easy to go with the flow, to become comfortable, even complacent, on the path you have chosen (or ended up on).
To exist can seem so natural, but oh-so limiting.
We all have, or had, dreams and desires.
We all have (or did) have plans or goals that have done nothing but end up collecting dust over the years.
These intentions sit latent in a static state; still dreams, but they have no pulse.
You may have even forgotten what you once wanted to do. How satisfying is that? There is no progress. There is no movement; there is hardly a shadow of what, at one time, seemed like such an exciting, inspiring idea.
What happened?
Instead of questioning why the impetus of the idea stopped, question instead why you stopped moving forward. The answer itself may be the inspiration you need to get going.
Pick up those once-vivid pans and put them into action. Forward is more than a direction.
Get moving.
05/21/2023 j.g.l.
Posted on May 20, 2023 by j.g.lewisLeave a commentI love opinion, even those I don’t agree with.
A good opinion shows character; and I mean a ‘good’ opinion not by right or wrong (or whether I agree with it) but by how it is expressed.
If a point of view is presented succinctly, mindfully, with conviction and personal belief, I can respect it (even if I don’t like it).
It is the wishy-washy opinions — those peppered with anecdote, references to assorted documents and dogma, quoting the views of others or reading off the script — that I have problems with. They are disingenuous, often cluttered, or conveniently slip off-topic by introducing argument and unrelated angles, as if they are not entirely certain.
I would prefer someone express no opinion than one that is half-assed or not fully thought out.
Say what YOU mean, but mean what YOU say: that is opinion.
It says what you stand for.
I’m of the opinion that if you listen to the opinions of others you will learn something.
If you listen to others, your personal point of view will be expanded, maybe even altered, or you will become more certain of your stance than ever before.
© 2019 j.g. lewis