Month: September 2023
©2023 j.g. lewis
Posted on September 26, 2023 by j.g.lewisLeave a commentWe can’t take back days we
deny ourselves the courage
to rise above ailments that
have persisted for too long
a time.
Nestled only in memory, only
our perception will allow a
greater vista than what we
have experienced.
Can we write about the past
in present tense, overlooking
our faults and frailties?
When does it become fiction,
and when will we realize
its inaccuracy?
09/26/2023 j.g.l.
Posted on September 25, 2023 by j.g.lewisLeave a commentWhat are a few days between seasons? As if a shadow could tell of the time and temperature range from hour to day, today or tomorrow, or last season.
Summer to fall. Now is not a fixed period, as was yesterday or last week. Those periods of time are fluid, ever changing, but still somewhat definite in our minds for the time being representing the periods or eras of our presence here on earth.
How we measure our time, any time, always includes a proviso. The conditions we set will influence what is to come, as much as what has happened.
How can you explain yourself when a short-term view overrides the obvious long-term accumulation of thought and experience.
This time is yours; how you chose to share it will differ from day to day.
09/25/2023 j.g.l.