It is the night when you dream, the night when you hope, when thoughts run rampant and anything is possible. Plots are hatched and scenes run deep, without conscious defense from the practical and unassailable reasoning one must muster in sundrenched days. It is at night when you think of those you love, or loved, those who have left by death or divorce or distraction. There should be peace at night, and rest should come easy. If you can’t find that safety or reassurance beside the person who shares your bed, you won’t find satisfaction with the thoughts in your head. You should be soothed by the security of night’s darkness and wake with contentment to the reality we call a day. j.g.l.
One response to “”
How perfect this is. So glad at this moment that I read this. I was still up and here it was. Beautiful photos beautiful words. I like this place, thank you for sharing it.
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