Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Wealth Walks And Poverty Sleeps





It speaks of history, arts and culture,
and the ever-changing socio-economic
trends. A longtime destination, Toronto’s
Queen Street West is more than just a
street, and far more than a neighborhood.
Retail rules in a curious blend of
commercial and residential, everything
and anyone is out on the street. Musicians
perform for passing strangers, artists show
their craft, and crafters show their wares.
Poets offer words to those who will listen,
and fashion is right there; in stores or on
the people. Ethnicities mix, and cultures
collide, in food and drink or otherwise. It’s
cool in the clubs, late night on the street,
shoppers shop, and everyone eats.
Wealth walks and poverty sleeps.


















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2 Responses to “Wealth Walks And Poverty Sleeps”

  1. Wonderful how you have visually caught the many moods of Toronto– all along one street in the heart of this vibrant city!

  2. […] Wealth Walks And Poverty Sleeps […]

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