Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Waterproof and Wonderful


Of course there is fashion, and its necessary plight,
but how will it serve you on a blustery winter’s night?
As the weather now turns to what it truly should,
in the season that it is, and all is not good.
The only thing you can do, is dress for the weather,
and fashion is not enough to hold it all together.

A warm coat is a given, a soft scarf and gloves,
practicality is required, despite the trends that you love.
For style has no purpose in the chill that you meet
and what really counts is what you wear on your feet.
Shoes now, in this winter, are for the inside,
dig out your boots and wear them with pride.

Footwear with a soul, right down to the last,
make streets almost bearable, as it has in the past.
Waterproof and wonderful, and sometimes quite high,
boots keep spirits warm and your woolen socks dry.
Through an onslaught of snow, and sleet, and freezing rain
get a good grip on the ice, again and again.

Fine leather, common rubber, or high-tech synthetic,
winter boots have a purpose, and it’s hardly pathetic.
Tie them up tight; give me tough tabs to tug,
and sturdy laces double-knotted to make them feel snug.
Zippers, however, are an idea you can forget;
they are for old men and dandies, and I’m neither, not yet.

© 2015 j.g. lewis

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