Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays


Life changes, we change.
The years, the places,
the choices, and faces;
it can feel at times
like you are being held back,
feeling rushed, uncertain,
or a little off track.
Confusion is as common
as it is uncertain,
for change can happen
in the blink of an eye. Or
it can be slow to arrive,
and uncomfortably shy.
Through periods of adversity,
or moments of jubilation,
change is certain. It does
what it does. Very little
remains the same, or as it was.
A genuine mix of old and
of new, yet at the core of it all
is the original you.
Whether your options are many
or a very scant few,
find time for repose
and think
it all through.
Make the best choices,
the best changes, for you.

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