Whisper of Truth
We strive or struggle
in this tempestuous atmosphere,
mindful of words measured
or immediate,
and whispered as intended.
Velocity and circumstance differ.
Interpretation, introspection,
the memories remain
as we see
this poetry we breathe.
Rhythm and patterns suggest
scattered thoughts,
unparalleled emotions, and
a decency to remind
the heart to remember.
©2016 j.g. lewis
April, every April,
but especially this April
is Poetry Month
Read, write, recite,
Celebrate poetry & poets.
There is poetry
everywhere. It belongs
Find some you like,
don’t be afraid to share.
Poetry. Write your own
should you care.
Each day, every day,
every April
(but especially this April)
there will be new poetry.
Every day. Right here
Find your way.
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