Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Believe In Love

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Empathy, compassion, peace, gratitude, kindness, and charity . . . all virtues I believe in, with all my soul. And love, I believe in love: familial love, and friendly love, lustful love, specific love and general all-encompassing love for humanity, for the greater global community, and for thy neighbor, as we are supposed to, and I do.

So yesterday morning, I had heard enough. I had heard enough of the soundtrack to the now familiar event everybody is talking about, and grieving over. Or I had heard enough of the news of a similar event that happened the day before.

It’s not that I didn’t believe it had happened, or was choosing to ignore it; I just did not want to see it. I had heard enough.

Instead I watched, over and over, this simple video a dear friend had posted, a short clip of a butterfly emerging from its pupa, discovering its wings, and going out into the world.

It was beautiful.

The short video was the latest in a series of posts showing the evolution of this glorious spirit. It was filmed, and described over time, with wide-eyed wonder and love.

Love was the secret ingredient that brought this project to life, and this simple miracle to light. Recording the progress was a labor of love that was shared with all the magic this virtual realm can offer.

So yesterday I chose love over hate, and will again and again, whenever possible and because I can.

I wasn’t even going to write about the other event, or the other one, or the ones before that. I’m not sure my voice would make any difference, and that is not to say the voices of others won’t have an impact. I know they will.

It’s just that I have written too much over the years about violence, and racism, and hatred, that I cannot offer a fresh perspective. I know I will again, but yesterday I was upset by it all, concerned about what may happen next, and fearful over the possibilities. I was speechless, and that doesn’t happen often.

So yesterday I chose love over hate as I sat in front of this screen. It was amazing. I’m by no means naïve, and I know the problems this planet faces won’t go away if I ignore them, but I could not watch. I have no room in my head for hate, and only have space in my heart for love.

If you believe in
with all your mind,
and all your mite,
you place it
in your heart and
bring it to life.

To brighten your day, have a look at this wonderful footage captured by Maria Font, with pride, and with love. Thank you Sunshine, for making this world a little brighter and for bringing so many of us together at a time when we could use a little more joy, and wonder . . . and love.







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