Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days


Some days I think things I just can’t say.
  It’s not that I am ashamed or embarrassed
of my thoughts, or even that they might not
be appropriate. I don’t even fear what would
happen should they come out in conversation,
or random reply, but at certain times I just
want to surround myself in silence.
  I might not even want to think those things
let alone put them out there.
  One of the traits that separates humans from
the animals (besides the use of a thumb) is an
ability to communicate in so many ways. At a
time where a phone is no longer a phone, but
a device that instantly connects us quickly to
the worldwide wonder, we can effortlessly
broadcast our beliefs so others may know
where we stand. Or what we are thinking, if
we want.
  Part of the whole freedom of speech thing is
knowing you don’t have to.


The Urban Howl

I want art, I want algebra, and I want answers.
                                                           -j.g. lewis


Now It is Time

The past and the present
are light years apart.
You’ve stumbled, and stalled,
and have made several starts.

You wish and you’ve worried
but have always been clear,
there’s far more going on
than what you see here.

Distractions, sheer delusions,
inner-conflict and insight,
a conscious decision not to just
get it done, but get it right.

There’s no point looking back,
it’s not about where you’ve been.
Right now it is time to
wake up and dream.

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