Month: November 2016
It’s a moon, only a moon; one of many moons
in this incomprehensibly immeasurable universe, but
it is the Moon we know. It is the one we identify with.
Burning more brightly than it has in decades,
people are talking like they’ve never before noticed.
Light reflecting, radiance filling the space
that is our darkness. It has always been there.
We all stare up. We wonder. You never wonder
like you do under a full moon. In awe of the light,
we seek out contentment
but do we consider what it illuminates?
Not all of it is good.
There is far too much bitterness, and shouting.
All this blame and shame. It is ugly and unnecessary,
fodder for gossip and hatred, and worse.
Nightfall is a blessing, as much as a curse. The issues
that separate us are still there at dawn.
Many times we use the blackness as an excuse to
ignore what is not always visible. We close our eyes,
hoping our problems disappear. They wait for morning,
perhaps magnified. It’s brighter, harder to ignore
what you forget, or neglect, or abhor.
Is there a message in the Moon, all this light, and
what it might be saying? It comes at a time
when we need to listen, and take a closer look
at all that surrounds us. The Moon
casts its gentle wisdom; it does in any phase.
It does not have to be full to have a purpose.
The courage is there. Always. Chose to see what
needs to be done, what has to be said. Shine on.
©2016 j.g.lewis
Posted on November 16, 2016 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment
Posted on November 15, 2016 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment
Sometimes we wonder,
why did it stop? When
did you lose interest?
Why, or why not?
You know; the plans,
goals, manuscripts, or
projects that were never
completed, many of
which are still right
there. Some of them
never really got started.
They are the reminders
of what you wanted, but
never followed through,
and they still call out.
Sometimes. Many times
you think you’ll give it
another try, you wake
and you wonder, and
the answer is always
why. Why not?