Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days


Beauty is not temporary, but
will go through changes with time.
What is apparent one day, may
take on a different hue the next,
expanding or contracting, altered
by conditions or expectations.
Its status has not been lessened,
but the perception will vary.
Beauty is defined differently by
each one of us, and will change.
Beauty is not temporary, but
our perception of it is.
05/02/17                                           j.g. lewis

3 Responses to “Perception”

  1. Christina Callahan Avatar
    Christina Callahan

    Brilliant JG!?

  2. Stunning how the patterns engage …. and i can playfully enjoy perceptions to seen and to be seen!!!

    1. I even notice how my perception of many things, particularly the beauty I capture will change in time. Thank You Vyana.

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