Progress is a process.
What you write, why you write, and the way you write in your journal will change over time, but this itself is a true reflection of who you are.
Journaling is a personal journey, a written account of your life as it evolves—and you along with it.
It is time for present-day reflection, for planning where you will go, and recording where you have been.
(Write Now!)
FINDING YOUR VOICE/MAKING THE CHOICE is a journaling program that will work…
…wherever you find yourself in this life.
Explore, through this 24-day guided online forum, the W5 of the self, healing and feeling, breathing and believing.
And discover more reasons to continue the process of journaling.
FINDING YOUR VOICE/MAKING THE CHOICE will lead you through the process…
• Daily prompts
• Inspiration
• Advice
Delivered throughout the day, every day.
You will connect with a community of like-minded soul seekers who are sharing the journey with you.
As you progress through FINDING YOUR VOICE/MAKING THE CHOICE you will discover more…
In your own words…
You will reveal your Self.
A journal teaches you what you are interested in, and where your attention goes—particularly after you’ve been at it for a while—recording, remembering, memorizing and romanticizing people, places and events.
Engaging the psyche and thinking beyond.
Do you have time?
This program has been developed so the prompts and information will come to you with regularity, each day, throughout the day.
When and where you will interact with the group forum, and the material itself, is up to you.
FINDING YOUR VOICE is there for you, all you need to do is MAKE THE CHOICE.
24 minutes a day…
24 days…
A ritual of Self that will last a lifetime.
Write Now. Write Here.
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