Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays

I write in my journal most every day, thoughts about where I am and what I am feeling. Random things most of the time, I think it allows me to easier deal with my thoughts.
  There is nothing as inspiring as a blank page.
  Every day begins like a blank page. There is space to wonder, and space to fill. Some days I may write similar things, just as other days I may do the same things I did yesterday, or last week. We all have that day-to-day stuff we need to do, just as we also try a new activity or experience.
  Some days we see the same people. Some days we wonder how they are feeling, as much as we wonder about our own emotions or progress. So we write. Life is, at times, easier when it is all spelled out. At times we have to read between the lines.
  Important, then, we have the space. Important how we spend our time.
  Each day is a blank page. Not all of them are the same. Some days the ink flows, other days we spend more time correcting mistakes. Sometimes there is more space, sometimes it is darker. All too often it is ruled.
  Each page has a purpose. Every day has a purpose. It is important to fill it up.
  Make it meaningful.
  Today is new page.
  Write on.
08/28/2017                                         j.g.l.

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