Month: September 2017
Nobody, or nothing, can change you, unless you allow it.
A closed mind offers protection of views and boundaries for you to maintain, if that is what you want. You must be open to changes, again and again, or you will remain as you are and as you have been.
Are you content with that?
There is something to be said about consistency. Are you always the same?
Do you know who you are? Do you know what you want to be?
Change only happens if you want it.
Do you?
09/30/2019 j.g.l.
The day today
and tomorrow too,
are waiting
to be discovered
and waiting
to be used.
Of course they are.
How else
could they be?
What else
could you do, but
use them wisely?
What else would
you do? These days,
every day,
are really for you
to spend as you wish
doing what
you please. That
is your wisdom:
knowing what
you need to do,
and occasionally
allowing yourself
to do something else,
something new, or
nothing at all.
Today, all day,
is yours.
What will you do?
You have all day,
use it wisely.
09/29/2017 j.g.l.
You wander.
We all do.
Uncertainty can often
blur your surroundings.
The map is always there,
the lines signify the path
you need to follow.
You simply have to find
the direction.
It is all in your hands.
09/28/2017 j.g.l.