Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days


What moves us, or how we are moved, will change over time. As long as it takes, or as brief as it is, we learn to adapt to our surroundings, make concessions in our personal preferences, and even alter our being to feel more comfortable where we are.
That is what we do; as humans; as friends; and as family.
This is what we must do so others can feel a part of this place we call home.
Let’s start a movement to make an improvement to the way we act, the ways we think, and the way we show gratitude for the lives we are allowed to lead. This is where we live and where we breathe, this is the planet where we need to believe everybody else has a similar goal of creating a better world for ourselves, our children, and for those who will follow.
This is how we will continue to survive; by seeing, and helping others to see all we can be.
We need to do better.
Today, even in some small way, take a moment and make an attempt to try and improve our environment. Overlook the attitudes and actions contrary to your own beliefs, and see if you can make a difference.
If we all do something, we will all become a little bit closer to what we were meant to be.
11/21/2017                                         j.g.l.

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