Mythos & Marginalia

life notes between the lines and along the edges

Three Years In

Three years ago I opened up this website, and each day, every day since, I have been writing and posting something right here.
  In many ways it still surprises me. Three months before I began this project, I really had no idea I would be doing this. In fact, I questioned the need or the purpose.
  This has been a total learning process. I knew, coming into this, about graphics and design, photography, formatting and coding, but only from a newspaper perspective. I was very familiar with layout pages, and pica sticks and marking up pages by pencil. I soon learned, first hand, there were few similarities.
  Three years in, I continue learning, and relearning, about this vast digital world and the growth and evolution of social media. I’m always learning, and I’m still trying to keep up.
  The learning keeps me interested, but is still secondary to the purpose.
It is all about communication.
  We, as humans, now have more ways to communicate than we ever have had before. It is fast, it is furious, and it is right there.
  It is instant, and I like to think it is important.
  Thank you for reading, thank you for liking, and following, and commenting.
  Thank you for being here.


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