Mythos & Marginalia

life notes between the lines and along the edges

Mondays are just young Fridays

You write about your loneliness, and how you miss your family far away.
You write about a certain isolation we all can feel at certain times.
Distance is so hard, and many times it prevents us from showing how we truly care.
Distance takes time, and it takes up your mind.
It takes an effort to remain connected with those in other cities, countries, or times zones.
It takes effort to spell out how you are feeling.
I find writing a letter, regularly, is one way to express and explore thoughts for someone else. I firmly believe a handwritten letter says what other communication styles simply cannot.
I send letters when I need to, or when I believe someone else could use a pick-me-up. I know it is appreciated. I read about it in my return mail.
Of course I would prefer a face-to-face visit, but I feel each letter I send carries a message for someone I care about.
Sit down and write a letter. Take the time to share your wisdom, your wit, and your wishes.
Find your words for someone else.
Write on.
03/12/2018                                         j.g.l

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