Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays

Do you speak your truth, unapologeticaly or otherwise?
  Often the words you use in response to something that was said or something that you read.
  You react.
  Perhaps you felt wronged, or disrespected, or ignored, and the words just come out.
  Feelings and emotions can, at times, be difficult to express in a written form. Other times it is easy, and there is a direct connection between your mind and your fingers, and you type out, or tap out, exactly what you mean.
  Brutal honesty.
  Maybe you don’t think about it (or you aren’t thinking), but when the words appear they seem like they were intended to hurt.
  Perhaps there was no time? Or you didn’t take the time to temper your thoughts, because that takes time, and your outright reaction took over common courtesies.
  It was time you didn’t have, and that cannot be an excuse, because you were more concerned over expressing how you felt rather than feelings of someone else.
  I’m guilty of this, I admit. Not often (I don’t think) because most of the time I allow myself a moment or two to consider the impact of my words, or my actions, or even my intentions.
  Emotions do, however, get in the way, and I try to live or write with my emotions every single day. If you don’t write with emotion, words are simply words.
  Honesty is always the answer, but the truth can hurt.
  Valid or not, an expression of anger or distaste will be, or can be, interpreted by someone else in ways you cannot always decipher. We cannot usually know how someone else will feel. We don’t always remember what was said before or how another person will deal with your words, or your thoughts.
  Sometimes it takes another person to point this out, and while your reaction, at first, is one of anger or insignificance, it does more than prove the point.
  We all need to think a little more about the words we use with someone else. It takes understanding, and patience, even in the moment. In this digital age, communication can be instant, yes, but taking that little bit of time to consider the feelings of others can go a long way.
  You can only hope an apology will be accepted as directly, and as truthfully, as your original response.
03/19/2018                                             j.g.l.

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