Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Boundaries Undefined

we come to know, and believe.
Tried, tested, often failed.

How can we reach out if we don’t know
how far we have gone from stranger
to acquaintance. Or lovers.
Former to later.

Boundaries seemed not to matter.

Overwhelmed, still and again,
self-doubt and denial I am unable to confess
even to myself.

And you.

We may long for the same things
in different places
Boundaries undefined.

We may never know who we are
and still we see.

Beyond this naked ambiguity, we clutch our breath,
gobsmacked at the power or potential
of what could happen.

Love, acceptance,
expressed, received.

It is not logic that takes us
where we want to go, but
emotion that pulls us along.

We see in others
what we want to see.

We look past boundaries
when this sense of unknowing
is all that you know.

© 2018 j.g. lewis


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