The human voice: individually it is strong; together in a range of voices, it is powerful.
Out on the bike Saturday, I stopped in a park where a choir was assembling at a casual event in a nearby neighbourhood.
I’ll stop, anytime, to listen to any live music.
The voices rose high above the crowd, into and above the trees in the middle of a bustling city.
My spirit was lifted.
Powerful voices.
Singing out.
It was a non-audition community choir, people singing because they want to sing.
Is there a better reason for a choir?
I sat.
I listened.
I enjoyed.
It was moving.
I didn’t recognize any of the songs, but understood the message of one song in particular.
“Don’t be afraid.”
A beautiful theme.
Powerful and sustaining.
Individually we are strong.
Together we are powerful.
09/10/2018 j.g.l.
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