Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays

It’s a new month, a new week,
a new day: today.
Change; if only it were as simple
as flipping a page. If only it were
as certain as it is uncertain.
We have come to believe change
takes time, or practice, or patience.
We think (or have thought) there
are rules or regulations involved
when change is required.
Often, we believe we can’t change
so we don’t try. Attitudes change.
Change is not always sudden.
Many times there are increments
we won’t notice until something
changes. It’s like that.
Daily, weekly, monthly we change.
Most of the time the changes are
for the better. In time.
What do you want to change?
What changes have you noticed
lately? What changes do you need
to make? Is today the day?
Will you try? Will you notice?

10/01/2018                                       j.g.l.

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