by Jennifer Hillman
The spiral notion of reflections
knowing the truth lives within the present essences
Seeing the country’s history revisiting…
From the Revolutionary war on sovereignty and freedom from oppression
to the Civil War about immigration and slavery…
individual rights of the states.
The equality of people and treatment…
being of race and women.
Wounds need healing upon knowing and acknowledgment
to change to another and different forms yet to be a comfort.
From where we are and where we would like to be.
Spinning the in and out of illusions and false words,
I continue to search for my part within these creations,
know the time is slowly changing all that is now.
Focus on the positive essences of truth I do see.
The increasing voices of the many seeking to be heard
with all the noise of the chaos.
Time magazine named Journalists as the people of the year…
looking for the truth and paying the price for it.
Artists, writers, and creative people have always
shown the truth to us. We all are looking for that truth,
within ourselves and the world.
It is a scary place right now.
America…the world is broken.
America is the world leader is broken
in a fractured piece of its past
that remained unhealed
from the uncertainty of the Revolutionary War;
to the immigration/slavery issues of the Civil War;
to suffrage movement for women
and the citizens wonder why?
Every opportunity is available or is it?
Choices, chances, and decisions create our individual paths
with our beliefs pushing us forward or holding us back.
Yet I trust the processes the humanity must go through to
get itself heading for the betterment.
I take time to witness, listen to the current of the times,
knowing the waves may get heavy at times.
Just hold on tight and allow the right actions to us
learning the better way to go in this next round
for Mother Earth and humanity.
Forward movement is the only way and I connect deeper with my heart and my truths; realigning beliefs which guided me through some strengthening experiences, discovering find my voice, my soul’s pathways and meaning of what I was told during a near death experience many years ago…
“You are love and loved. Don’t forget this.”
© 2019 Jennifer Hillman
Jennifer Hillman is an intuitive life coach/healer, podcast host, published writer and poet, podcast host. Her books, Embracing Souls, are available on Jennifer, where she is available for coaching sessions.
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