Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Snail Mail

A note from afar, a note from
a friend, something in the mail
that’s not a bill, or a reminder,
or a pizza menu.
Correspondence. A surprise,
something personal and
Snail mail, you get less and less
in this age of instant.
Too many people are too busy
to drop a note to let you know
what’s going on.
It takes time.
Of course, an e-mail is immediate
but it does not have the same
effect as a letter, or it will get lost
in all that clutter and confusion
in your inbox.
Snail mail is an unexpected smile.
Send a letter to someone today,
just because. It may take a while
to get there, but some words are
worth waiting for.

05/07/2019                                               j.g.l.

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