Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

All Of A Sudden

I slept deeply these past two nights, window open, the refreshing nocturnal air taking on a chilly tone.
I pulled on a jacket yesterday morning for my coffee walk.
Last evening, I brought my sweaters from the back of the closet.
Clearing away the stack of paper that had accumulated through the summer, I reorganized my desktop. I even readied my bag for the upcoming week, instead of the more lackadaisical approach I’ve grown accustomed to.
What is it about September?
All of a sudden there is a need to become organized.
You notice the days are growing shorter, daily, a little faster. We dare not even think of winter, for autumn (officially or otherwise) has not yet bared its teeth.
Still, there is a desire to be prepared for what we know is coming.

09/03/2019                                          j.g.l.

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