Mythos & Marginalia

life notes; flaws and all

j.g. lewis

original content and images ©j.g. lewis

a daily breath...

A thought du jour, my daily breath includes collected and conceived observations, questions of life, fortune cookie philosophies, reminders, messages of peace and simplicity, unsolicited advice, inspirations, quotes and words that got me thinking. They may get you thinking too . . .

I'm like a pencil;
sometimes sharp,
most days
other times
dull or
Still I write.

j.g. lewis
is a writer/photographer in Toronto.

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Canadians Expect Action
Posted on October 22, 2019 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment

The Liberals were handed a minority government last night, a weak mandate from a divided country.
  Justin Trudeau’s government will need the support of other parties to pass any sort of meaningful bill in the immediate future. This will require compromise and cooperation. It may require a coalition.
  Thing is, the leaders of all political parties didn’t seem to accept the results, or the message, that followed a long and often ugly campaign. In fact, most of the politicians sounded like they were still campaigning in their end-of-night speeches. Nobody likes loosing — and even the victor lost a lot in the 40-day race to the polls — but the results are in; now it’s time for our elected officials to get down to the business of building this country up. Again.
  Canadians expect action.
  We cannot afford to waste time, but more importantly, we cannot afford to go back to the polls anytime soon.
  So politicians, it is time to make it work. Show the citizens of this country what you are truly made of.
  Let’s make Canada great; not again, but always.

10/22/2019                                        j.g.l.

Mondays are just young Fridays
Posted on October 21, 2019 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment

Making our way to the ballot box, we, above all, cast a vote because of our love of this country. If we don’t believe in the process, we believe in the potential.
We show up.
We get the vote out.
We entrust our elected representatives to not only do their best to preserve and protect our way of life, but increase and expand the benefits of living in a nation with such possibility.
We remain hopeful something will get done and someone will get it right.
Often we are disappointed.
Elected officials seem to forget the election is about the people and not about the party. We live in a democracy where each vote is a voice, but politicians often spend so much time shouting that they cannot hear what the voters are saying.
Still we show up.
Still, we believe in potential.
Today is Election Day. Today your voice matters and your vote counts.
Today is not a day for doing what you have always done, nor is it a day for voting strategically. Most of all, it is not a day to feel affected by the fear and misfortune broadcast by one politician or another.
Today is a day to think positive. Today is a day to think about possibility.
Today is a day to use your voice and vote with your conscience.
Today is about the foreseeable future of our country. Today matters.
Don’t vote with the crowd, vote with your heart.
Vote love.

10/2/2019                                        j.g.l.

Difficult Choice
Posted on October 20, 2019 by j.g.lewisLeave a comment

Canada votes tomorrow, a federal election that will decide how our country is run for the next few years.
For the most part it has been an ugly, uninspiring campaign full of unsubstantiated rumour, fear-mongering, and a whole lot of promises without a lot of detail.
Canadians have a difficult choice to make.
We must take into account the misinformation and misdeeds of the past weeks and years. We have to ignore the polls and the politics, and consider the policies, party platforms and promises laid out during the campaign.
Then we have to go deeper and take a closer look at the character and commitment of the local candidates and the leaders.
We have choices.
Choose wisely.

10/20/2019                                    j.g.l.