Mythos & Marginalia

life notes between the lines and along the edges

A Permanent Record

A journal is a personal statement of where you are, a reflection of where you have been, and often an indication of where you are going.
Within our journals lay scattered thoughts, random scrabble, unanswered questions, potential solutions, unsatisfactory results, deliberate intentions, and living proof of the life we are leading.
The scratchy handwriting is more than perception; it is our personal history as it happens; mindful expression of where we are in the moment.
As we progress, as we evolve, our thoughts may change and our minds may move in different directions, but through it all we maintain a tactile, permanent record of our achievements and adventures.
The longer you keep a journal, the further you will go.
It takes commitment, yes, but the dedication is solely to your self. 
  Couldn’t we all do with a little more time to ourselves?
Next year is 2020…how inspiring. A new decade: what a great time to begin, or refresh, a journaling practice. soultalk is offering a FREE online program to kick start your commitment.
20 prompts over 20 days in a forum open only to participants, you don’t have to share, but this is a sharing community. More details on this page, or sign up by email
The new program, and the new decade, begins January 1
Come and join us.

4 Responses to “A Permanent Record”

  1. How do I sign up?

    1. please send an email to
      Thank you for your interest.

  2. Mary Elizabeth Cantrell Avatar
    Mary Elizabeth Cantrell

    Count me in, please

    1. Glad to have you Mary… information has been sent.

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