Hardly a dozen days remain in this decade of change.
We are not what we were, nor will we be what we may.
Are we like everybody else? We’ve become less individual.
Hasn’t it become more difficult maintaining our personality, in a digital era, as we navigate our way through ultra-convenient devices loaded timesaving applications? Have we learned more, or is everything done for us?
Can we still think for ourselves?
Each step we take is now tracked, or monitored, or commoditized? Is this how we want it? We capture it all on mobile devices, but do we see with our eyes?
Each minute, each day, every gigabyte, more and more, our data trail is obvious. Where we go, what we do? Even who we connect with; is nothing private, for me or for you?
Algorithms dictate the content of our lives, or they will if we want it. Information is denied, or not always available, and our personal data is another matter.
How can we keep anything to ourselves?
Privacy and security, once so dear, has it become lost in the shuffle?
We’ve become willing participants in a depersonalized process.
Indeed, the end is near.
12/20/2019 j.g.l.
We’re going to be writing about what is ahead, individually and collectively, with soultalk’s VISION 2020, a journaling program designed to get you writing and thinking more about what is going on.
If you now journal, or want to journal, this FREE online program may be right for you. 20 prompts over 20 days in a closed Facebook community.
It’s always fun, and always mind-opening.
Come and join us. It begins January 1, 2020.
Send an email to register, or for more information, to