Mythos & Marginalia

life notes between the lines and along the edges

February 2020

  • Willpower Works

    The human mind is a huge sponge, each second of every day processing information, sights and sounds, directing you through tasks involved in everyday living. In all the excitement, though every activity, bits and pieces become trapped in your psyche. Some of this information is forgotten, or put aside, other times the residue of all the activity affects your nocturnal or unconscious thought.

    The human will is an amazing thing. It can guide you to success, steer you through adversity, or just help you cope with what life throws at you. Willpower works through the daylight hours, but can also mold dreams and visions. Like any activity (music, yoga, art, science, theology) dreaming takes learning and practice. With some effort, and most of it done while you sleep, you are able to empower yourself by channeling your beliefs.


  • Get There

    How will you get there
    when the going’s not good,
    when you can’t get around
    as you normally would?

    Be it weather or traffic
    or a delay on Line One,
    how will you do it
    if you can’t get it done?

    Where are you going, or
    are you along for the ride?
    How will you get there,
    or know you’ve arrived.

    02/28/2020                                      j.g.l.

  • A Tricky Thing

    It is not
    what you see, but
    what you believe.
    What happens, when,
    and why (again) is
    dependent upon how
    you see it. Perception
    can be a tricky thing,
    What is your reality?

    02/27/2020                                           j.g.l.

  • Small Scraps

    We live now, and always have,
    as hunters and gatherers.
    Along our path we collect
    small scraps of our being,
    slowly assembling the quilt
    that surrounds us.
    Experiences, information,
    or misguided moments and
    memories become fabric
    we wrap ourselves in. Lonely,
    or cold, we search for a stitch
    of humanity in threadbare
    motives and flimsy excuses.
    It is not always comfortable.
    It is who we are,
    not what we have become.

    © 2020 j.g. lewis

  • truth

    on the page
    or words you speak
    the ones you question
    or those you believe
    there must be honesty

    harder than you want
    easier that you know
    truth is not wisdom
    simply because
    you say it is so

    02/25/2020                                     j.g.l.