I spent a glorious day yesterday wandering about the city with my daughter.
It was a beautiful day, in so many ways. Snow free and unseasonably warm, it did not feel like the first of February, and given the company and conversation I hardly noticed the wind and wet snow that accompanied us later in the day.
I needed a day like this; a day where nothing was really planned but spending time together. It’s a welcome distraction from the ways and worries of our everyday lives.
We did a lot more browsing than shopping, at lunch we talked more than we ate, and the distance we live from each other, and the time since our last visit, was lessened.
We spent the day communicating, and that’s something I’m proud to say we do well. We each make the effort to maintain, and build, our cherished lifetime bond. Yes, we write letters, text and talk on the phone, and keep up with our lives, but there is nothing like a face-to-face visit.
It takes planning, and it requires travel, and in that we both find fulfillment.
Today we’ve got a few plans and places to see, but there’s nothing definite and there’s no need to rush. Tomorrow we’ve got most of the day together before she jets back to her home and I will remain in Toronto, content and already thinking about my next trip west to see her.
Fulfillment comes from knowing what you have.
02/02/2020 j.g.l.
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