Month: February 2020
We live now, and always have,
as hunters and gatherers.
Along our path we collect
small scraps of our being,
slowly assembling the quilt
that surrounds us.
Experiences, information,
or misguided moments and
memories become fabric
we wrap ourselves in. Lonely,
or cold, we search for a stitch
of humanity in threadbare
motives and flimsy excuses.
It is not always comfortable.
It is who we are,
not what we have become.
© 2020 j.g. lewis
Posted on February 25, 2020 by j.g.lewisLeave a commenton the page
or words you speak
the ones you question
or those you believe
there must be honesty
harder than you want
easier that you know
truth is not wisdom
simply because
you say it is so
02/25/2020 j.g.l.
Posted on February 24, 2020 by j.g.lewisLeave a commentCome out of the darkness
slowly. Take your time and
follow your own intentions.
Be like the Moon.
Not everything has to always
be a big deal.
Enjoy the silence, for a spell.
Find your way gradually.
Shine when you can.
Remember that sometimes
it is dark for good reason.
02/24/2020 j.g.l.