Mythos & Marginalia

life notes between the lines and along the edges

April 2020

  • Poem In Your Pocket 2020

    Had We Not Dared

      we had not smiled,
    had we not met,
            if either of us
    would not have dared
    to take a first step.
    were different, and time
    had simply lapsed, or
            if we didn’t share
    tiny bits of our past.
    Had we not known,
      or had we nor dared,
    if we
    wouldn’t have looked,
    or hadn’t have stared.
      If we had not
    have written, if we
    wouldn’t have clicked,
    would it
                   have become
                   just another
     Yet we did, or we have,
    and for that
                       I am blessed.
              what we know
    has been put through
    the test.            I think
    all of those things
    could never have been
               if we hadn’t
    have shared some time
      in between.

    © 2020 j.g. lewis

    Today is
    Poem in Your Pocket Day
    It is a day to celebrate poetry
    by selecting a poem, carrying
    it with you, and sharing with
    family, friends, or strangers.
    Even in these times of physical
    distance, loss of connection,
    and self-isolation, you can still
    share poetry and a smile.
    Sharing is caring and we could
    all use a little more right now.

    You can always find poetry at

  • Only Wednesday

       Wednesday sits naked
               and ordinary

       between the bookends of social Saturday
       and restive Sunday. The day is
             little more

       than a cluster of hours or a stop on the
       treadmill. Indecisive and

       nobody chooses a Wednesday. Nothing
                 on a Wednesday

       and it’s the same each week.


    © 2014 j,g, lewis

  • For A Shadow

    dead pencils
    still leave a mark
    salvaged from the litter bin
    gave most of their everything
             from within
    now surrounded
                        by cigarette butts
    salad oil      tuna tins     phone
    messages   hydro bills   coffee
    grinds                    orange peel
    rotting spinach              or kale
    shoelaces             leftover pain
                                   a sad refrain
        still saving a few scant lines
                                   of sentiment
    for a man
    and a night
    and a poem

                                   for a shadow




    always leave a mark




  • How?

    How long is forever?
    How can we trust the
    will, or the way, of
    those willing to exhibit
    a delusional sense of
    power at any time, on
    any day?
    How have we come to
    allow ego and this sense
    of self-importance to
    override common logic
    and concern for the
    fragility of human life?
    How did this happen,
    and how much longer
    must we fear for our
    lives and for those of
    our children?
    How deep is our faith?
    How long is forever?



  • What You Read

    Poetry is not meant to be anything
    other than what you read. Mood
    or mantra, independent conscious
    behavior, a distraction, unexpected
    reality and unknown salvation.
    What do you expect in this world
    of heartbreak and happenstance?
    How will you see beyond current
    tragedy or circumstance? Always
    there are questions. Inquisitions.
    Interrogations. Stale blood on the
    sidewalk, fresh tears on the cheek
    of a passerby; our response is not
    immediate. Our actions muted by
    culpable noise and utter silence.
    Poetry is as passive as it is reactive.
    You may know where you are going,
    yet a poem will tell you where you
    have been. What do you hear?
