Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays

You question why you wear it, but know that you should.
    You never know when you will need it, but you should be sure that you would.
   A bicycle helmet; you may never need it, but you will be glad it was there.
   I took a tumble on my bike yesterday. The details are sketchy, I don’t remember much about how it happened, but it did. It happened so quickly. Accidents often do.
   I was a bloody mess, road rash and cuts, and a gash on the temple that required a trip to the ER. My sunglasses were totaled, and my pride was bruised even more than my elbow, knee or hip.
   My helmet saved me from further damage; I can say that with certainty because the helmet itself was damaged during the fall.
   If the crash had enough force to crack my helmet in two places, how much more damage would it have done to my head had it not been there?
   I hate to even think about it.
   Having had my unfair share of broken bones in various sporting injuries over the years, including a cerebral contusion sustained in a skiing accident decades ago (there are still a few days of my life I have no recollection of), I have always been a proponent of the brain bucket.
   I’ve always said ‘a cyclist who wears a helmet has a good head on their shoulders.”
   Thankful for mine, I still do.
   Never question the value of a helmet.
   I will go out today and buy a new helmet. I think I’ll purchase the same brand and style as I did a year ago, it having already proved its worth.
   Despite the crash, I am looking forward to riding out the remainder of the summer. I’ll probably ride a little slower and with a little more caution and, hopefully, no more injuries.
   There are far better ways to spend a Sunday than sitting in an emergency room.

06/29/2020                                           j.g.l.

One response to “Mondays are just young Fridays”

  1. Denise McQuiston Avatar
    Denise McQuiston

    I am very glad you wore ‘that brain bucket” and it protected you.

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