Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Postcards From Afar

We have all been a little preoccupied by this virus thing.
We’ve spent more time at home than we have in years.
With all the social isolation and physical distancing, our wanderlust has been clipped.
Travel has been restricted, but not the mail.
Send me a postcard from home.
Tell me something about where you live; a little-known fact, something significant or another thing you think somebody needs to know (maybe even a secret). Perhaps a poem, limerick, or haiku. . . tell me what home means to you.
Don’t just send a card; send a message.
Postcards will be included this October during homecoming month at
During October, contributing writers will offer impressions of home, where it is and what it means to them.
Postcards From Afar is intended to add a global perspective and make this planet a little smaller, and a little closer.
I’d love to hear from you.
For coordinates and further information on the postcard project, email
I will write back.

06/16/2020                                                  j.g.l.

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