Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays

What do you do when your desire to create is stronger than the will to do so?
   I had one of those days yesterday.
   Having returned from my morning wander and resolved something lyrical (which had been overwhelming me for a couple of days), I felt, at first, that I could make great strides with whatever I chose to work on (being a Gemini, I’ve often got two, three, or more projects on the go). None of them were calling to me yesterday, and the few scant lines on a fresh poem would not motivate me further.
   I decided to get away from it all and go for a bike ride.
   I thought maybe some fresh air and adrenaline would quell my inner conflict or move my mind forward.
   I ended up in Trinity Bellwoods Park, after navigating traffic far thicker than I though it would be. It was a glorious day, and people were out and about (like me).
   I parked my bike, sat under a tree, and did nothing but people watching and taking in all the colour. I didn’t even take my camera. A Dixieland jazz band then marched on by and brightened my spirits.
   I took out a random notepad and jotted down a few more phrases, a couple of words that had come to me during my ride, and a part of a poem that, right now, makes little sense.
   But it might someday.
   On those days when nothing makes sense, and really nothing has to, take good notes.
   Tuck away the motivation and inspiration for later, when your mood or your mindset improves.
   Untill then, enjoy the outside or whatever else you have planned (or unplanned) for the day.

08/10/2020                                              j.g.l.

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