Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

day-to-day inconveniences

How do you sleep at night?
Are you comfortable? Do you
feel safe? Did you lay in bed
and listen to the sounds of the
gentle rain, or did late night news
have you considering how fragile
this society has become. Maybe
you were restless and thinking the
mortgage payment might bounce, or
car payment? Were you wondering
where your child was, or if the
forecast might change plans for
Sunday’s golf game? There is so
little of this summer-like weather
remaining. Have you noticed the
chill as you open the car window
to pick up your morning coffee?
Do you feel guilty about the caloric
count of that extra donut? Did you
pack a lunch, or will you order in
or take-away. Did you wake up
refreshed and ready to tackle the
difficulties at work, you know, the
issues of which we often complain?
Can you think of things you would
rather be doing? Are you planning
ahead, past these day-to-day
inconveniences, or are you okay
living with the changes imposed
on all of us? How are you affected
by injustice and inequality, or is it
somebody else’s problem? Are you
wearing a mask to protect others
and your self? We all should feel
the impact of what life is throwing
at us. Do you understand we all
feel it differently? Or is that any
of your concern? Shouldn’t it be?

10/02/2020                                             j.g.l.

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