Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are not just young Fridays

A shorter week with a little less structure meant I got less accomplished than I had intended last week.
With no real schedule, and few obligations to anyone but myself, progress is more difficult to define when you have less demands on your time.
Now I look back on how I did, or what I did.
What did I do?
I got things organized and in place (as best as a Gemini can) and I did more research than was required, and I came a bit closer to outlining something maybe only my self can understand, but by the end of the week it felt like little more than procrastination.
I am now looking at a new week with the same project. It is time to get a better start on something that already has a beginning.
It is time to make it happen.
You take on a different view, when you know you have things to do.

10/19/2020                                                   j.g.l.

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