Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Whatever The Place

You are not alone.
Others, too, have walked this path.

Physically distanced,
yet right there. Or almost. Emotionally
where heartbreak meets uncertainty.

Who hasn’t walked this way?

If not the same direction
perhaps the same purpose.

Never-ending sidewalks
of this filthy society, whatever the place.

Each of us affected
by movement, passive motion or demand.
Broken strides, we continue to try.

Do you experience pain?

Panhandling our feelings,
we all beg for attention.

If not to be noticed,
if only as if to belong somewhere.

Every one of us has
lived through a discomfort. Emotions
will only allow a certain levity.

How can I know your story?

My route has been similar
if it has not been the same.


©2020 j.g. lewis

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