Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Lines Tell


It all begins with a line:

   architectural draft, letter or
prose, sketch, industrial design and
   computer code, email response and
one-page summation, dramatic script

        or nightclub flirtation.

             The lines we use.
                              We lay down
                        what we pick up
        if we cross that line.

Punch lines, unemployment line,
     headlines, help-lines,
            all that waiting
                                over time.

                    It is a process.

          As we age
     I see
around my eyes

laugh lines form creases, then
       wrinkles; then more.
    I am left with a face
       where lines tell my story

   like a poem.

                  Each line counts.

04/30/2021                                     j.g.l.


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