Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Learned Behaviour

How we act, what we do, the chances we take and routines we fall into, are influenced by a headful of inner dialogue, a roomful of opinions, and experience that is constantly changing the world beyond your space.
   Right now.
   Still, the single most important factor to all this excessive interior and exterior stimuli is your reaction.
   Only your behaviour will alter your pattern.
   You are responsible for learning or diagnosing, even doubting, what you are doing. Just as you may, or will (or can) switch it up, abandon plans, or simply let things happen as they happen as if it is an act of casual happenstance… and it probably is.
   You already know what you do today will have some sort of effect on what happens tomorrow, or Wednesday, or six months come Sunday.
   You’ve learned that, mostly from trial and error, but it still adds up to learned behaviour.
   How is that serving you now?
   Can you answer that question honestly, or will you have to wait until Wednesday; or Sunday?
   You know the answer, you do, even if you won’t admit it to yourself (that may be your pattern) and sometimes the answer is more of a question.

05/04/2021                                         j.g.l.

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