Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Get Your Shot

More than 60 percent of Canadians have received a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, while eight percent of the country is considered “fully vaccinated”.
I know the number went it up slightly yesterday as I took my second shot.
Variants aside, and with a couple of weeks to allow this juice to circulate and be absorbed through my body, I will be considered fully vaccinated.
I’m relieved.
It’s a pretty big step.
I got a little emotional.
I realized that soon, while still taking precautions, we will all be able to gather closer with friends and family.
This shot allows me to dream a little more of soon seeing my daughter.
I’m now more confident than optimistic of months and weeks until travel, rather than the unpredictable inevitable.
We will be able to hug soon (soon being a relative term).
Remember, this vaccine is not just for you; it is for everyone.
Get your shot when you can, as soon as you can.

06/10/2021                                       j.g.l.

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