Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays

On each of my morning walks, during the past week or so, over the sidewalks and pick-marked pavement of downtown Toronto, I could not help but notice the sounds and sights of autumn.
   Last Wednesday (or was it Tuesday?) a chorus of Canada Geese rang out above me as the sun was just rising. I looked up, of course, but could not see the birds above the canopy of trees in the park.
   But, I did notice.
   I also noticed the leaves, some of them, slowly shifting to the familiar autumn colours. Each day I noticed a few more, but I have not, not yet, been overwhelmed by a shock of orange and yellow leaves.
   The temperatures in Toronto remain above average for this time of year, and we have not experienced an overnight frost, so the leaves will continue changing slowly.
   They are not in a rush.
   Neither am I.
   Autumn, often, moves too quickly.
   I prefer taking the time.

10/11/2021                                           j.g.l.

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