Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Not What It Used To Be

I’ve been hacked.
   There is no other way to say it, other than the soultalk page I have been running on Facebook for about 5 years is no longer under my control..
   soultalk regularly offered journaling programs and had developed into a trustworthy community.
   Now, I don’t have access to the subscribers, followers, or the private pages we used for our journaling sessions.
   Yeah, I’m pissed off, and there is nothing I can do about it. I’m not entirely sure how it happened, but Facebook can’t (or won’t) help.
   So, for now, if you get messages or invitations from soultalk, or see content or advertising this seems strange, know that the page it is not what it used to be, and not what it should be.

j.g. lewis

4 Responses to “Not What It Used To Be”

  1. That’s awful Jeffrey. I’m very sorry. You created an inspiring nurturing space and no matter the uselessness of Facebooks robotic lack of help, that inspiration remains for all who participated. ✍? ?

  2. This is a breach to the community page and everything you created there in. I am so sorry. We still are connected by the years soultalk gave us and remain so.

    1. I appreciate that Denise, and look forward to assembling in a different manner. Something will happen.
      deep peace

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