Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Another Wednesday

Wednesday sits naked
         and ordinary

between the bookends of restive Sunday
and social Saturday. The day is
       little more

than a cluster of hours or a stop on the
 treadmill. Indecisive and

nobody chooses a Wednesday. Nothing
           on a Wednesday

and it’s the same each week.

© j.g. lewis


Sept 11/01, a Tuesday. London Subway bombings: July 7/05, a Tuesday, also July 21/05,
and also a Tuesday. Assassinations: John Lennon on a Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. a 
Thursday, and John F. Kennedy a Friday. Kurt Cobain’s body was discovered on a
Wednesday, but he chose his way out three days earlier. Nothing happens on a 

There are fewer concerts mid-week, and opening night is never a Wednesday. They 
never open the Olympics on a Wednesday. Nobody gets married on a Wednesday.

Yet, each week, I choose Wednesday.

When I launched Mythos & more than seven years ago, Wednesdays were all I planned.I had other thoughts, daily, but Wednesday was the day. I made that commitment.

I wrote every damn day, so I began filling up more than Wednesdays. Mondays became young Fridays, and there was a lot more going on than I originally thought, so here we are.

This is Wednesday and there is a new design to the page; it’s another challenge I will slowly figure out, yet that’s the same for any other day. But today is Wednesday and there is more to read and more to see.

And I’m sure there will be something more tomorrow.




2 Responses to “Another Wednesday”

  1. Your words always brighten and clarify my days, jg. 😊🙏

    1. I appreciate that Deb.
      Thank you for your kindness and thank you for following.

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