Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

This Monday

I slept in this morning.
I didn’t hear the internal alarm clock that, almost without fail, awakens me each morn and I must have blissfully enjoyed my time between the sheets without guilt. I woke refreshed without the residue of difficult dreams or urgent concerns that often drive me to the keyboard to tap out some sort of thought, message, or moral.
It seems a refreshed mind is often blank or clear of unsettling thought. At least, it is this morning.
I’m pretty sure I did not stir in the night. I’m pretty sure the air-conditioned comfort of the bedroom was appreciated; especially after a day of wandering about my city in the intense heat and humidity we have been experiencing lately.
I’m pretty sure the last thing I recall before drifting off into the soul satisfying, coma-like slumber was the harsh and heavy Old Testament rain that seems to have removed the humidity from our atmosphere (at least for a time).
The sun is out.
So far, it seems like a good day.
That’s the thought the well rested me will now take further into the day.

07/25/2022                                                                                            j.g.l.


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