It has been a rough week; hell, it’s been a difficult year (or two).
I think we have all been feeling a bit dysthymic lately.
How could it not be possible to be feeling a bit off with all this geopolitical, emotionally analytical, topsy-turvy sort of mess we find ourselves in.
How are you getting along?
If ever there was a time for self-care, it is right now.
Don’t you think?
The weekend is almost here.
Do something over the next couple of days for your self.
Get a new book from the library, play a favourite record from 1982, 2003, or 1977 (turn it up). Light a candle, burn incense, take the bike out for the last ride of the year (wear a helmet).
Do something for yourself.
You know what relaxes you, or what gives you a little boost. You know what works.
Do that.
I hope it helps.
10/07/2022 j.g.l.
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