Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

come inside

   Please leave behind all
that has arrived, as we slept, our
minds impervious to the overnight
intrusion on a landscape we have
come to accept.
We have conceded, even enjoyed,
light rain to now. Shielded by
umbrellas (if available), we have
gone many days without sunshine,
yet this winter’s warmth has
allowed no accumulation of
Until this morning.
Now the slush, sidewalk salt and
simple inconveniences will
follow us everywhere. Leave it
outside, where it belongs.
As you enter, stomp off your boots
in that long-familiar dance favoured
by rosy-cheeked children and elders
not as nimble but more experienced
with a lifetime of harsh winters.
Remove your boots or
those sopping sneakers and socks
and come inside. By all means
you are welcome, but leave the snow
where it belongs and let our troubles
accumulate out of doors.
Surely there will be more.

01/13/2023                                                                                     j.g.l.

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