Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

Mondays are just young Fridays

   Another Monday: a fresh start to a brand new week that begins today.
   We need Mondays as much as we need the weekends, those Saturdays and Sundays that allow a little relief from the disappointments and downfalls of the previous week. We all need that break. The weekend provides perspective.
   If Monday were a meal, it would be breakfast. Mondays break the fast from the time away from the everyday stuff that simply happens as it does.
   Come Monday, after a well-deserved break, we are ready to step back into the regular patterns of the work-week and all the obligations that continue to pile up from day to day.
   Mondays set the tone for how the forthcoming week will progress.
   Today is Monday. Get out there and try to enjoy the day, and all those that follow.

02/13/2023                                                                       j.g.l.

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