Mythos & Marginalia

2015 – 2025: a decade of days

the impetus

It is all-too-easy to go with the flow, to become comfortable, even complacent, on the path you have chosen (or ended up on).
   To exist can seem so natural, but oh-so limiting.
   We all have, or had, dreams and desires.
   We all have (or did) have plans or goals that have done nothing but end up collecting dust over the years.
   These intentions sit latent in a static state; still dreams, but they have no pulse.
   You may have even forgotten what you once wanted to do. How satisfying is that? There is no progress. There is no movement; there is hardly a shadow of what, at one time, seemed like such an exciting, inspiring idea.
   What happened?
   Instead of questioning why the impetus of the idea stopped, question instead why you stopped moving forward. The answer itself may be the inspiration you need to get going.
   Pick up those once-vivid pans and put them into action. Forward is more than a direction.
   Get moving.

05/21/2023                                                                                                               j.g.l.

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